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Herbert Hoover Middle School Media Center: Ancient Egypt Research Project

Your Assignment

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Ancient Egypt Research Project


For your project you will be choosing an approved research topic, researching in the Media Center, and creating a presentation to display your knowledge.



To cite, click on  at the top left hand corner for MLA citation.

To cite, scroll down to the bottom of the article and copy the MLA citation.


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Book Citations

Dell, Pamela. Ancient Egypt. Compass Point Books, 2013.

Gleason, Katherine. Ancient Egyptian Culture. Rourke, 2006.

Langley, Andrew. Ancient Medicine. Raintree, 2013.

Nardo, Don. Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. Heinemann Raintree, a Capstone Imprint, 2015.

Bedwin, Christa, and Heather Kissock. Egyptians. [Smartbook Media Inc.], 2017.

Waldron, Melanie. Geography Matters in Ancient Egypt. Heinemann Raintree, a Capstone Imprint, 2015.

Barnham, Kay, and Tom Morgan-Jones. Mangy Mummies, Menacing Pharaohs, and the Awful Afterlife. Gareth Stevens Pub., 2016.

Hunter, Nick. Why Should I Care about the Ancient Egyptians? Compass Point Books, a Capstone Imprint, 2020.

Baptiste, Tracey. The Totally Gross History of Ancient Egypt. Rosen Pub.'s Rosen Central, 2016.